Affiliated with University of Karachi 
Academic Rules and Regulations:

All academic activities of the Institute are governed by the rules and regulations as enacted and announced by the University of Karachi from time to time. In case of any ambiguity or non–existence of rules relevant and / or applicable to particular situation, the final authority of decision would rest with the University of Karachi, or with the Institute within the University frame–work.

Teaching Methodology and Evaluation:
The method of teaching depends upon the nature of courses being taught. However, the method of teaching adapted at IMCS is a blend of lectures, case studies, group discussions and home assignments. The final grading would depend upon the student’s performance in mid / final semester examinations, project reports, assignments, quizzes, class participation etc.

Each student must attend at least 75% of the classes, failing which he /she will not be eligible to sit in the examination and awarded grade ‘F’ in that course. However, if a student fails to meet this requirement because of a reason beyond his / her control, his / her case for relaxation may be considered in accordance with the University of Karachi rules to this effect.

Academic Honour and Awards:
A student will be awarded Gold Medal on meritorious academic performance provided he / she fulfills the following conditions:

Ø Obtains CGPA of 4.00 on the first 101 credit hours of courses offered as per BCS plan of studies or CGPA of 4.00 on the first 78 credit hours of courses offered as per BBA plan of study.
Ø Obtains no repeat status in any of the courses.
Ø No disciplinary action has ever been taken against him/her.

Appreciation letters or merit certificates may be issued as per rules framed in this behalf to those students who persistently show outstanding performance.

Missed Tests and Examinations:
A student who misses a class test, monthly test or final examination is awarded ‘F’ grade. However, incase of monthly test and mid semester examination, there is a provision for a make up test or examination in case of the student’s illness. A Faculty Committee shall examine the requests of the students for make up tests. In case a make-up test or examination is allowed, it shall be held at least one month before the final examination of the University, and a fee as prescribed by the management will be charged for it.

Add / Drop of Courses:
A student can add / drop a course within two weeks time after the start of classes. After two weeks no request for add / or drop will be entertained.

Misconduct or Use of Unfair Means:
All cases of unfair means in tests, assignments, examinations etc. will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee constituted for this purpose. Recommendations of the Committee will be given due weight while awarding punishment.

Students will be assessed internally by the institute and externally by the University of Karachi, as follows:

Internal Assessment:
The internal assessment of the students will be based on assignments, quizzes, periodical tests, mid-term and final examinations. The internal assessment will contribute 40% towards the final grading.

External Assessment:
External assessment will be based on the final examinations given to the students by the University of Karachi at the end of each Semester. This assessment will contribute 60% towards the final grading.

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