Affiliated with University of Karachi 
Interpretation and Amendment of Rules

The rules stated above may be amended / altered / deleted / modified, without notice, as and when deemed necessary by the University of Karachi, or by the IMCS, as the case may be.

In case of any ambiguity or doubt as regards the interpretation o f these rules, the decision of the University of Karachi shall be final and binding on all concerned.

Following rules and regulations are to be followed by all the students of IMCS. Any student found violating these rules will be penalized by the imposition of monetary fine and / or expulsion from the Institute.

Dress code:
Male students are not allowed to wear T–shirts (without collar) Jeans, and joggers. Their shirts must be tucked in and they must wear dress shoes. Female students should be modestly dressed; they should avoid wearing flashy clothing or jewelry, etc.

Drinking and Eating:
Eating and drinking is not allowed in the library, computer laboratories and classrooms. It should be restricted to the coffee shop.

Identity Card:
All students are required to display their Institute ID cards while on the campus. Entrance to the campus or use of its facilities may be denied to a student who cannot produce on demand his/her valid Institute ID card.

Students are not allowed to park their vehicles in the parking lot reserved for the faculty and staff of the Institute. However, they may park their vehicles outside the campus at their own risk and responsibility.

Smoking or Chewing:
Smoking or chewing of any sort is not allowed within the premises of the Institute.

Mobile Telephone:
Mobile telephones are not allowed to be used within the premises of the Institute.

Carrying of Arms:
students are not allowed to carry arms and weapons of any description within the premises of the Institute.

Guests and Visitors:
Students may entertain their guests and visitors in the canteen. Bringing of guests in library, laboratory, or classrooms without permission is not allowed.
Computer Laboratory Rules

Students on payment of the prescribed fee may use the computer laboratory. However, they will strictly abide by the rules framed in that behalf, some of which are as under:

Storage Media:
Saving of data on hard drive is not permitted. Students should bring their own floppy disks and save their work on them. Disks should be free of virus. Students may not bring/download or install any software without the approval of the laboratory in charge.
Network Usage: Each student is required to use his/her own network/e–mail account, and is responsible for its use.

A student must understand that any misuse of his/her account will not be the responsibility of the Institute; any harm caused by the usage of his/her account will be his/her personal liability.

Students should not share their passwords. They should log out after the completion of their work.

Laboratory Usage:
Students should follow the time slots as allocated to them for their practical work. Loud group discussions and playing of video games are strictly prohibited in the laboratory.

Students must comply with the legal obligations concerning copy right of software.

Security of Laboratory Facilities:
Students should not attempt to have access to any equipment, software and data which they are not authorized to use, particularly the confidential data and files belonging to other users.

Students should take steps to protect and maintain the security of hardware, software, data, files and passwords allocated to them.

Students are prohibited from the following:

· Using any other person’s login without permission.

· Disclosing own or attempting to discover any other person’s Password.

· Copying, renaming, deleting or examining the data/files belonging to other users.

· Using computing facilities to harass others or to interface with their work.

· Attempting to modify the laboratory facilities, illegally obtaining extra resources, degrading the system performance or subverting the restriction associated with computer account, services or application software protection.

· Installing or executing third party software on laboratory computers.

E–mail and Internet Access:
At IMCS, students are provided facility to send and receive e–mail over Internet against nominal payment. They should, however, seek permission from the laboratory in–charge prior to the use of any facilities.

Other requirements are:

· E–mail facility must be used for academic benefits and healthy purposes only.

· No obscene/illegal communication be placed on internet.

· Students should clear their e–mailboxes, by removing the mail daily. Large e–mailboxes exhaust storage areas as allocated to students.

Any student causing damage or harm to the equipment shall be required to pay for the repair/replacement of the damaged equipment, and may be expelled from the Institute.

Library Rules

Borrowing of Books:
Students may borrow from the library two books at a time for a period not exceeding two weeks at a stretch.

Reference Books:
Encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, maps, loose-leaf books, term papers and rare books are meant for use within the library. Current periodicals and newspapers are available for reading inside the library, and should be handled with care. These will not be issued to students.

Code of Conduct:
Students are not allowed to carry their personal belongings in the library. This includes large purses, folders, jackets, overalls, and overcoats. These items should be deposited outside the library.

Students must handover their identity cards to the library staff as they enter the library.

Students must maintain absolute silence in the library. Group discussions, are not allowed in the library. The librarian may ask any student who misbehaves or makes noise in the library to leave the library.

Students are advised not to write on, tear off, or deface library books, furniture etc. The library staff is authorized to inspect any book in possession of a student in the library. After consultation, books may be left on the tables. The library staff will place them back at their original place.

Suggestion Book:
A suggestion book is available in the library. Students may suggest text/reference and general reading books for induction in library. The suggestions should be clear and must contain all the information about suggested books or journals.

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