Code Description Prerequisite
2101 Introduction to Computer Programming -
2102 Introduction to  Computer Science 2101
2103 Digital Computer Logic 2102
2202 Discrete Structures 1102/ 2102
2203 Computing Methods - I 1102/ 2102
2204 Data Structures and Applications 2202
2205 Introduction to Operating Systems 2102
2206 Assembly Language Programming 1102/ 2102
2207 Theory of Automata & Formal Languages 2202
2301 Information Systems Analysis 2204
2302 File and Databases 2204
2303 Computing Methods - II 2203
2304 Compiler Construction 2205
2306 Software Engineering 2301
2307 Data Communication 2205
2308 Artificial Intelligence 2302
2309 Inventory and Production Management 2301
2310 Introduction to Microcomputers 2201
2311 Programming in COBOL 2202
2312 Security and Privacy of Computer Systems 2204
2313 Sequential Machines 2201
2314 Advanced Computer Programming 2205
2315 Computer Graphics 2203/ 2204
2316 Advanced Computing Methods 2303
2317 Machine Learning 2308
2318 Computer Languages and Programming 2206
2319 Topics in Operation Research -I 1105/ 2303
2320 Introduction to Graph Theory 2202/ 2303
2321 Information Theory 1105/ 2203
2322 Computer Application in Statistics 1203/ 2303
2323 Simulation and modeling 1202/ 2303
2324 Mathematical Logic 1102/ 2202
2325 Design of Digital Computers 2201
2326 Advanced Business Systems 2301/ 2302
2327 Natural Language Processing 2304/ 2308
2328 Introduction to Robotics 2308
2329 Algorithms 2204
2330 Comparative Computer Systems 2201/ 2325
2331 Parallel Computer Architecture and Processing 2325
2332 Real- time Systems 2310
2333 Inferencing 1203
2334 Topics in Operation Research - II 2319
2335 Topics in Computer Science As appropriate
2336 Computer Center Planning and Operations 2205
2337 Computer Systems Selection 2204
2338 Information Processing Techniques 2301
2339 Topics in Finance and Management 2301
2340 Independent Study As appropriate
2341 Advanced Computer Graphics 2315
2342 Computer networks 2307

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